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Home Visit - Volunteer Use

Home visits play an important role with the adoption process. This form should be completed by assigned volunteers who are conducting home visits. 


Home Visit Form

Is the house located near a dangerous/busy intersection or main road?
Is there a yard?
Is the yard fenced?
If partially, please indicate:
Is there direct access from the house to the fenced area?
Is there a pool?
Is the pool fenced separately?
Are there any dogs or other animals that live adjacent to this property?
Are there any dogs or other animals that live adjacent to this property?
If Yes, are they contained?
Are there any dog walking parks in the area?
Did you get the impression that the potential adopter understands the requirement for the dog to be leash walked and supervised when outdoors?
Did you meet all family members?
Did you get the impression that anyone in the family is opposed to the adoption?
Did you see any signs that the potential adopter would be relocating in the near future (i.e., was there a *For Sale* sign posted on the lawn)?
Is there adequate lighting/ventilation for the dog?
Is there a crate available?
If Yes, is it of adequate size?
Did you meet the potential adopters' existing pets?
If Yes, did they appear healthy and happy?
Were there dog toys in evidence?
Are there any special needs, unusual circumstances or concerns that we should consider?
As a rescue person, would you consider placing a dog in this home?

Comments: As a volunteer helping SCMR with this homevisit report, we need for you to give us any insight, and feelings you may have about your visit. You are our eyes and ears and we are relying on the information you provide to help us make an informed decision. Please know that this information will remain confidential and will not be shared with the applicant.

Be as candid as you like and also, please indicate if you recommended repairing the fence, etc. so that a follow-up visit can be scheduled to ensure that this was done prior to approving this applicant.

Thank you! Your form has been submitted.

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